7 Foods That Worsen Eczema and Itchy Skin

7 Foods That Worsen Eczema and Itchy Skin

Eczema, which is also known as atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition wherein there are symptoms of itchiness and painful rashes along with cracked skin. According to statistics, about 10-20% of babies are affected by eczema, and the rate of occurrence is about 1-3% in adults. While there are environmental factors and bodily conditions which end up triggering eczema, there are also reports that show how diet can be a factor. Some foods can certainly have a detrimental effect on the body based on existing allergies, especially if suffering from eczema.

Worst foods for eczema and itchy skin:

1. Dairy products
Dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese, butter, and milk, are known to cause and trigger eczema and itchy skin allergies, the first cause being attributed to eggs. This is primarily because dairy products affect the gastrointestinal tract’s lining, and this causes sensitivity over a period of time due to the food particles getting lodged in the body.

2. Grapes
Consumption of fresh grapes or raisins is to be avoided because they contain the three worst itch-promoting chemicals known as amines, salicylates, and monosodium glutamate (MSG). They tend to trigger and worsen eczema.

3. Oranges
Oranges and foods containing this fruit are not recommended for those diagnosed with eczema because it is similar to grapes and is a very strong citric fruit. They contain two components (amines and salicylates) that are known to trigger and worsen eczema.

4. Tomato
Tomatoes, similar to grapes and oranges, should be avoided. Its by-products, such as ketchup and sauces, should be avoided as well, as they contain amines, MSG, and salicylates.

5. Avocado
This is one food ingredient that is usually on a lot of diets due to its health benefits. However, this is one of the worst foods for eczema and itchy skin, as they contain high levels of amines. They also contain a certain amount of salicylates that trigger itchiness.

6. Soy sauce
This is one ingredient that contains both natural and artificial forms of MSG along with amines that are known to cause inflammation. This can end up easily triggering eczema and itchy skin if consumed even in small quantities.

7. Dried fruits
The major problem with dried fruits is that they contain various chemicals, which can cause serious trouble. Dried fruits contain four of the worst chemicals known to trigger eczema and itchy skin, namely salicylates, amines, sulfites, and MSG. These ingredients form the basis for preservation elements as they help maintain and extend shelf life while adding flavor to dried fruits. In some cases, eating even small quantities of dried fruits can make one itch.

Sometimes, doctors may even recommend allergy tests to determine if there are certain food sensitivities. This is because some foods may have a more subtle impact on the body as a result of the components they contain. For this very same reason, it is important to speak to the doctor and determine the allergies and sensitivities.