7 Superfoods for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become weak and thin over a period of time. While this condition could affect people at a young age, the elderly are far more susceptible to it. A person with osteoporosis is at a high risk of bone fracture, even from simple falls and accidents. Eating a healthy and balanced diet reduces the chance of developing this condition. To help you, here are some superfoods for osteoporosis.
1. Dairy products
In order to have healthy bones, one needs to consistently consume calcium. Milk and other dairy products are replete with calcium and can make the bones healthier and stronger. However, it would be wise to go for low-fat dairy products to prevent metabolic and digestive conditions. Calcium-fortified foods like soy beverages and tofu products are some great options.
2. Omega 3 fatty acids
While there are supplements available for Omega 3 fatty acids, one can also find them in pumpkin seeds, fish, and flaxseeds. These superfoods aid in bone health and are known to prevent osteoporosis.
3. Dark green leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables like spinach are rich in magnesium and calcium and are also a great source of vitamin K, B6, and folate. It is important to note that vitamin K improves bone density and reduces the risk of fracture. In addition, broccoli is one vegetable that is known to improve the body’s ability to absorb calcium.
4. Fruits
Researchers recommend having at least one meal that is all fruits as they help prevent a plethora of diseases, including osteoporosis. Prunes are replete with inulin, a fiber that helps the body absorb calcium and also strengthens the bones. Prunes are also known to reverse arthritis symptoms to a large extent. Oranges are replete with vitamin C, which helps build better bones. Furthermore, oranges have ascorbic acid that enables better absorption of calcium. Bananas are extremely rich sources of potassium and magnesium. It not only helps better absorption of calcium but also helps in improving the bone density.
5. Fish
Salmon, for example, is a superfood for pretty much all health conditions, including osteoporosis.
6. Eggs
Loaded with protein and other essential nutrients like vitamin D. Eggs are beneficial for bone health.
7. Nuts
A fistful of nuts every day can help prevent osteoporosis to a large extent. Ensure to include walnuts, almonds, cashews, apricots, and cashews. Nuts can also be used in salads and vegetables. Enriched by essential minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium – nuts strengthen your bones when consumed over a period of time.
While the above-mentioned superfoods are known to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, one cannot expect miracles to happen immediately. Ensure to have these foods regularly to reap their health benefits.